The first launch of the Space Shuttle opened a new era in human space exploration which would exploit the unrivaled capabilities of the Shuttle to deliver, assemble, repair and retrieve space payloads to, in and from low Earth orbit. The primary mission objectives of the maiden flight were to check out the overall Shuttle system, accomplish a safe ascent into orbit and to return to Earth for a safe landing. All objectives were met successfully and the worthiness of the Shuttle as a space vehicle was verified. Post-flight inspection of the Columbia revealed that an over-pressure wave that occurred when the SRB ignited resulted in the loss of 16 heat shield tiles and damage to 148 others. Subsequent modifications to the water sound suppression system eliminated the problem. In all other respects, however, Columbia came through the flight with flying colors, and it would fly the next four Shuttle missions. Columbia was returned to Kennedy Space Center from California on April 28 atop its 747 carrier aircraft. PAYLOAD: Developmental Flight Instrumentation (DFI) Aerodynamic Coefficient Identifications Package (ACIP)